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Skip Trace License Plate Search 101: What Type of Information Can You Find?

Before & After Attempting Process Service

Before a process server can attempt to serve a defendant, there are some general pieces of information that are usually needed on that individual. Such as: 

  • Full Name
  • Physical Appearance
  • Daily Habits
  • Vehicle They Drive
  • Occupation
  • Social Security Number
  • Most Recent Address 

In the world of process serving, though, locating the defendant to serve them their papers is not always easy. Let’s face it, these people usually aren’t happy to be getting served and tend to try to avoid receiving their papers. 

When the initial address were given for the defendant turns out to be inaccurate (meaning that they can no longer be found at that location), process servers will need to take additional measures to properly locate them. 

Some process servers will offer something called “skip tracing”, though they will generally charge an additional fee for this additional service. 

At Encore Legal Process, we offer FREE basic skip tracing with every order submitted. The reason that we do this is simple – to streamline the process and make your order move along faster. We do this so that your defendant can be served as quickly as possible. We use a variety of proven skip tracing software and industry methods to find your defendant. 

What Is Skip Tracing?

The term “skip tracing” refers to tracing (or tracking down) a person who has “skipped” town and not left a new address for where they can be located. To learn more about skip tracing, check out our other article "What Is Skip Tracing?"

They Can Run But They Can’t Hide

Like we say, “They can run but they can’t hide”! 

At Encore Legal Process, we will attempt process service approximately four to six times (depending on location) at the original address given for the defendant. This is done until we either locate the defendant and serve your papers or we determine that the address given for the defendant is no longer viable. This is when we will then implement skip tracing. 

If you have ever wondered how to skip trace in Texas, look no further than Encore Legal Process

How Skip Tracing Is Performed

So what measures are taken when performing a skip trace? 

The process server will usually begin by gathering as much personal information on the defendant as possible, in addition to the information they would already have from attempting the initial process service. 

Once information is gathered, it is then analyzed and verified to find the defendant’s location. The amount of data gathered in the process of skip tracing varies depending on how long it takes to locate the defendant. 

Methods of Data Collection for Skip Tracing

You’ve got to go the extra mile when conducting a skip trace to ensure that those papers get served as quickly as possible. The process of skip tracing can include an array of software and other resources, like: 

  • Utility Bills
  • Social Media
  • Credit Reports
  • Travel Records
  • Job Applications
  • Loan Applications
  • Courthouse Records
  • Public Tax Information
  • Credit Card Applications
  • Public Record Databases
  • Phone Number Databases
  • Driver’s License Databases
  • Criminal Background Checks
  • Vehicle Registration Departments

At Encore Legal Process, we utilize a variety of proven skip tracing methods that include: 

  • CAD records
  • Postal Searches
  • Criminal Cases
  • License Plate Numbers

Skip Trace License Plate Search

One of the methods of data collection often used by process servers attempting to locate a defendant is license plate searching. 

Running a skip trace on a license plate can provide you with the following information: 

  • Vehicle Description - If all goes well, you should be able to obtain the vehicle make, model, year, and color based simply on the license plate number. 
  • Owner Name - Running a license plate search could provide you with the name of the current vehicle owner on record. This can be helpful in ensuring that the vehicle is indeed still registered to that particular owner (which would be the defendant you’re attempting to locate). 
  • Owner Address - In some cases, the license plate search will also generate the current address on file for the vehicle owner. 
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) - this 17-digit code can give you detailed information on that particular vehicle. 
  • Registration Status - You can determine if the vehicle has updated and current registration information on file. You may even be able to determine the vehicle’s registration expiration date. 

While a license plate search could prove to be helpful in determining the location of the defendant for a case, it is generally not the only method of gathering information performed by process servers. 

More comprehensive investigatory methods are usually needed to quickly and accurately find the defendant. It is always important to seek the services of a professional process server, as they will likely have access to various databases through skip tracing software. 

If you are in need of assistance in locating a defendant quickly and efficiently, contact Encore Legal Process today!

It is our mission to make your job easier and less stressful. We have vetted and built our network of statewide servers. We only work with the best process servers in the state of Texas, as well as nationwide! 

Copyright © 2023, Encore Legal Process.
Website by Beardo
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