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About Encore legal process

our leadership

Shane Swatzell, CEO

Founder of Encore Legal Process, Shane Swatzell started in the legal services industry at the young age of 21. He started as a court filer and quickly moved up through the ranks to become an office manager for a large nationwide legal services company. Shane spent 7 years growing within the company and eventually became the regional manager over the state of Texas. Shane learned to manage large case loads, hit crucial timelines, mitigate and resolve tough issues, and most importantly, he learned to build close trusting relationships with his clientele. He persisted to become the best in the legal industry and in 2014 he set off to open his own business now known as Encore Legal Process. 

Debbie Swatzell, Operations Manager

Debbie Swatzell has been working in the legal services industry for Encore Legal Process for the past 6 years. Learning quickly, Debbie is now the heart of Encore Legal Process. She has her hands in everything from customer service, to affidavits, to managing process servers. She is an integral part of the success of Encore Legal Process and our customer service. When an issue arises, Debbie won't stop until the issue is resolved to the client's complete satisfaction. Our clients always appreciate that little extra touch that Debbie provides to make our client's job just a little easier at the end of the day. 

our System

  • GPS Stamped Attempts

    While in the field, our servers input their service attempts using third party uneditable GPS data. So you can rest easy knowing that you have verifiable GPS data showing the server at the service address, at the time of service. If service ever becomes contested, this information will come in handy.

  • Customer Portal

    In our Customer Portal, you have convenient, searchable access to all of your orders. Once you're in, you'll be able to see all Real-time, GPS Stamped attempts. You can download completed affidavits, view your service documents, see and send notes to and from your account manager and much more.

  • Real Time Attempts:

    Our servers report all of their attempts from the field at the time of the attempt. By logging into your Customer Portal you'll be able to see these attempts in Real-Time at your own convenience.

our Focus

  • Customer Service

    Customer Service is our number one priority. We answer emails ridiculously fast. We know you need answers and resolution for your clients. We're going to be here to make sure that happens. Our goal is to impress you to the point that it impresses your clients.

  • Nationwide Service of Process

    We have a network of proven, quality process servers throughout the nation. We make this process really simple for you. No matter where you need your paper served, just send it to us and we'll take care it right away.

  • Fast Resolution

    Quality attempts from quality process servers leads to fast resolution...but for us it doesn't stop there. We have solutions, from automatic skip tracing, substitute service solutions, and filing of your affidavit with the court to ensure that your order is moving forward every step of the way. No more micromanaging your process serving company.

  • Quality Attempts

    Our servers vet every address, every time. We're not afraid to talk to neighbors, make phone calls, and do that little extra that might produce information that will lead to your paper getting served. If we do find a bad address, we will validate that information through skip tracing and let you know the next best move.

Copyright © 2023, Encore Legal Process.
Website by Beardo
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